Hauntu The Curve Has Different Paths.. Is There A New Episode??

Hauntu combines the elements of roleplaying, actor-guided interactions, and decision-making to create a spine-chilling adventure where your choices determine your fate. With outlets at The Curve and The Linc, players are in for a thrilling journey that takes them into the world of dark fantasy and supernatural horrors. At Hauntu, we often mention the availability of paths or the airing of current episodes. You may ask questions about what episodes or paths are such as:

  1. Why am I unable to choose an episode or a path when I make a booking?
  2. Are paths and episodes the same? If not, how is a path and an episode different?
  3. Will I go through the same story and decisions if I choose different paths or episodes?
Hauntu The Curve Path - The Rimba & The Panggung Path Image

What Is A “Path” ?

Paths are only available at Hauntu The Curve. When you experience a “path”, the main storyline, settings and characters you meet would remain the same, but players have the option to choose between two distinct paths that make their experience different in one part of the journey.

Hauntu Curve’s story is based on a mystical dance academy, where players roleplay as students searching for their missing mother. As they explore the setting and go through the story, they will encounter one of two different paths during the experience which are either the Rimba Path or the Panggung Path. You may learn more about the paths via our website: here

Paths are rotated monthly. After the end of a month, Hauntu The Curve will change to a different path beginning the next month. This allows participants to revisit and replay Hauntu The Curve, creating unique experiences with each playthrough of the story and adding an extra layer of suspense to the journey.

Hauntu The LINC Path - Episode 1 - 3 Poster Banner

What Is An "Episode" ?

Episodes are only available at Hauntu The Linc at the moment. Each episode tells a unique narrative, introducing participants to different aspects of the hotel's unsettling history. From encountering spirits and ghostly possessions in different eras to unveiling the secrets that linger within the hotel's walls, Hauntu The Linc provides a diverse and captivating experience with each new episode. Hauntu The Linc runs three episodes, which are rotating every year.

Hauntu The Linc’s 3 episodes transport the players to different timelines and stories set within the same hotel. They are Episode 1: The Thief, Episode 2: The Tourist & Episode 3: The Investigator. If you would like to learn more about the stories in each episode, you can check out our website which provides a summary of each episode: here

Hauntu The Curve is currently running Episode 1: A Mother’s Wish for now, so stay tuned for our announcement for when we change to a new episode!

Hauntu The Linc is currently showing Episode 2: The Tourist but if you have not yet experienced it, it is best to hurry, as there is only a limited amount of time before Hauntu changes to Episode 3: The Investigator.

What's The Difference Between Hauntu in The LINC & The Curve?

While both outlets share the same unique and terrifying immersive horror experience Hauntu is known for, the distinction between paths and episodes adds a special layer to the stories.

Hauntu The Curve
Hauntu The LINC KL
Path Available Here?



Episode Available Here?



Path & Episode Main Difference?

Set in the same story and with the same characters but differs in one part of the story.

Set in the same location, but different stories, characters and timeline.

In summary, whether you choose to navigate the paths of Hauntu The Curve or unravel the episodes at Hauntu The Linc KL, both outlets promise an unparalleled immersive horror experience, ensuring that no two visits are ever the same. Brace yourself for a journey into the unknown, where fear takes on many forms, as your decisions shape the outcome of your story.